When you have acquired one of these cars, drive right up to the point marked on your map, pulling into the gas station and wait a few moments for Gerrard to spawn. Finally in my playthrough, I was able to find one of these vehicles driving through New Baranec, so you can search for said car in the target’s gas station’s vicinity. A good model of car to look for that will work is the Phoenix which has a grill shaped sort of like a Dodge Charger and can be seen in the pictures to the right.
This will be your first task, and while technically any large V8 2 door car can be considered a muscle car, the game doesn’t seem to agree. This assassination target can be a bit tricky to perform simply because of the special requirement, attaining an appropriate muscle car, which is needed to bring Gerrard out into the open. Pull up to his gas station in a car he’ll admire … he likes muscle cars, then kill him. Much of the Luchadores’ shadiest business passes through him. Message: “Gerrard was dirty as a wrestler, but he’s even worse since he left the ring. This guide will cover the Gerrard “Subtlety Optional” assassination target, given to the player by the contact Angel, within the video game Saints Row: The Third, covering everything you need to know to complete this hit.